Saturday, May 26, 2012

Project 365: Week 21

Sunday: Day 141: Little man giving me a stoic look during the beginning of our last week in Point…IMG_1483Monday: Day 142: Being a little daring and walking along the railroad tracks. (Okay, so I told him to quickly and we were uber safe and made sure no trains were coming at all.)IMG_1489Tuesday: Day 143: The last of everything at our old house.IMG_1490Wednesday: Day 144: I did mucho mucho of this, this past week. Lounging outside in the sun reading on my Kindle. Got sucked into the Fifty Shades of Grey books!IMG_1491Thursday: Day 145: It’s raining… it’s pouring!!!IMG_1497Friday: Day 146: My last day at work! Picture with my bosses! Love and will miss them!IMG_1507Saturday: Day 147: Little man trying to run away from mommy taking a picture. Didn’t think it would turn out, but this was pretty cool!IMG_1509

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe