Saturday, May 26, 2012

Project 365: Week 21

Sunday: Day 141: Little man giving me a stoic look during the beginning of our last week in Point…IMG_1483Monday: Day 142: Being a little daring and walking along the railroad tracks. (Okay, so I told him to quickly and we were uber safe and made sure no trains were coming at all.)IMG_1489Tuesday: Day 143: The last of everything at our old house.IMG_1490Wednesday: Day 144: I did mucho mucho of this, this past week. Lounging outside in the sun reading on my Kindle. Got sucked into the Fifty Shades of Grey books!IMG_1491Thursday: Day 145: It’s raining… it’s pouring!!!IMG_1497Friday: Day 146: My last day at work! Picture with my bosses! Love and will miss them!IMG_1507Saturday: Day 147: Little man trying to run away from mommy taking a picture. Didn’t think it would turn out, but this was pretty cool!IMG_1509

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Project 365: Week 20

Sunday: Day 134: Mother’s Day 2012 was a great day! My brother, sister, and I celebrated with my mom and wore our ‘Mom’s Favorite’ t-shirts for some family pictures. My mom loved her photo book that we made her as well!IMG_1443Monday: Day 135: Just one of the bags that was filled with stuff from my desk at school… books, pens, paper, all sorts of different things. So happy that I don’t have to go back there for class anymore!IMG_1471Tuesday: Day 136: It was one of those weeks… one of those weeks where you just need lots and lots of chocolate and believe me, I had my fair share of chocolate this week. Who can turn down some M&Ms!IMG_1472Wednesday: Day 137: Pretty kitty relaxing on top of Jay’s dresser. He had lots and lots of fun lounging up there after it was cleaned off.IMG_1475Thursday: Day 138: Ayden’s clothes for our last week in Stevens Point.IMG_1478Friday: Day 139: This may or may not be the bed that I slept on for my last week in Stevens Point. It may or may not have been super uncomfortable.IMG_1480Saturday: Day 140: Just a small glimpse of our new toy room as we were moving everything in. IMG_1481

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Monday, May 14, 2012

Project 365: Week 19

Sunday: Day 127: Started and finished this book in a matter of just a few days. Boy did it feel good to just sit down and read for a few hours each night without any added stress.IMG_20120506_161943Monday: Day 128: Bleeding heart, one of my new favorite flowers. Just so pretty…IMG_1352Tuesday: Day 129: Little man chilling on the couch after having four teeth pulled earlier that morning. He was such a brave little boy and did great and was already up and playing by that afternoon!IMG_1355Wednesday: Day 130: Worked my booty off to get the body I wanted and now I am LOVIN’ it!IMG_20120509_074718Thursday: Day 131: A weird looking lady bug type bug, haha! Made for a good picture though!IMG_1381Friday: Day 132: The culmination of our entire third year of school… capstone day in Madison! My lovely AuD classmates! Life won’t be the same without seeing them in class every other day, even if it was on a TV screen!IMG_1404Saturday: Day 133: Have you been dying for a sneak peak of our new house?! Well here is the first look of it with just a new boxes already moved in. Is it perfect, no, but do I love it, a huge resounding YES!!!IMG_1414

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Project 365: Week 18

Sunday: Day 120: Pretty smoke anyone?!IMG_1118Monday: Day 121: Computer madness? I was busy copying some photos onto a flash drive and at the same time trying to check my clinic schedule on my clinic computer… all right before 9pm when my nightly ritual of watching House Hunters was about to start, ha!IMG_1293Tuesday: Day 122: Little man checking out some stuff on his iPod, probably best Christmas gift ever!IMG_1296Wednesday: Day 123: Little man and I ventured to Jordan Park this week, which was probably one of the last times (or almost last times) that we would be visiting. We had a great time!IMG_1310Thursday: Day 124: Let the count down begin! It is almost, almost, almost time to move! It canNOT come soon enough!IMG_1347Friday: Day 125: Definitely in the process of moving at our house. There are no more pictures on the walls, boxes everywhere, and things all over the place. Are we almost done?!IMG_1348Saturday: Day 126: A sign we are moving in the right direction… empty and washed cupboards!IMG_1349

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Project 365: Week 17

Sunday: Day 113: I am a bit obsessed with the lights and mirror in our current bathroom. I like the old feel of it and will miss it when we move, but that is okay because I am super excited to move!IMG_0742Monday: Day 114: Our froggy window cling is bound to join us at our new house! This picture is more for my friend than anything because she has a crazy obsession with frogs, hehe!IMG_0747Tuesday: Day 115: Ayden’s ear ache ended up leaving us with three different medications. Two allergy medications and an ear drop to help with the pain. We didn’t end up using the ear drop because Ayden wasn’t have any pain, but we have been using the allergy medication and it seems to be helping with his congestion.IMG_0748Wednesday: Day 116: A little chilly in the house, eh? Oops!IMG_0750Thursday: Day 117: Little man!!!IMG_0751Friday: Day 118: I almost forgot to take the obligatory ‘monthly’ picture with my chalk board. Good thing I remembered before April was all the way over! I hope to do better for May!IMG_0752Saturday: Day 119: Little man’s hospital picture. Oh how tiny and adorable he was! I could just eat him all up!IMG_0754

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe