Sunday, February 26, 2012

Project 365: Week 8

Sunday: Day 50: Little man sure loves our cat, Diesel, but Diesel doesn’t always love the little man! Case in point when Ayden tried carrying Diesel around in a basket… Diesel got a little upset and jumped out. In jumping out, Ayden procured this lovely scratch on his face, so cute, huh?!IMG_5199Monday: Day 51: I’m a chocolate lover at heart and when Jay piled up the mini Reese’s cups that we had on the counter I couldn’t resist snapping a quick picture of them. IMG_5200Tuesday: Day 52: this week was Ayden’s week to bring home Chimp and Zee and have some fun adventures with them while they were visiting with us. Chimp and Zee came with two books and a notebook for us to write all about our time together. Ayden had a lot of fun writing in the notebook and he didn’t even complain about it!IMG_5202Wednesday: Day 53: Have I ever mentioned how much we I love books in this house! This my dear readers is but one shelf of six filled with children’s book at our house! That isn’t even including the books that I have!IMG_5206Thursday: Day 54: My phone hardly ever leaves my side! Addicted much?!IMG_5209Friday: Day 55: This book played a special part in a project that Ayden and I are working on. He did a great job reading it for me!IMG_5213Saturday: Day 56: This picture holds no significant meaning for me other than I thought it was a pretty cool looking ceiling tile at the hotel I was at over the weekend for a wedding I helped photograph. Neat, no?!IMG_5472

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Project 365: Week 7

Sunday: Day 43: I scored big time at Maurice’s with this awesome new spring coat! I cannot wait for it to warm up so I can wear it. I am in love with the color (which is actually a little brighter than what is shown here in the picture). It is going to go perfect with some skinny jeans and my new black boots!IMG_5082Monday: Day 44: I was actually kind of productive on Monday between work and my afternoon class. Got down to business with some of my capstone work and felt really proud of myself.IMG_5087Tuesday: Day 45: My honey did good for Valentine’s Day and got me this beautiful necklace. He does good with getting me new jewelry… he knows what I like and I’m always in love with whatever piece he ends up getting me… mostly because it is from him!IMG_5091Wednesday: Day 46: My cousin crocheted this awesome hat for Ayden per my request and I love it. It looks so darn cute on him! Now I just need to get a picture of both of us together in our crocheted hats!IMG_5092Thursday: Day 47: Ayden got to be one of the flag holders at his cub scouts pack meeting this week. Love how much he’s not concentrating on what he is supposed to be doing at that moment. Pure little boy, hehe!20120216_183941Friday: Day 48: My first letter from one of my new pen pals! I couldn’t have been more excited to get some real mail!IMG_5096Saturday: Day 49: Pure sweetness… nothing else needs to be said!IMG_5116

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Project 365: Week 6

Sunday: Day 36: Feeling creative again and made good use of the sewing machine that we still had at our house and made myself a Kindle cover/case and I LOVE how it turned out. It may not be perfect, but it is sure pretty darn C.U.T.E!!!IMG_5039Monday: Day 37: We had a big mailing the other morning… paying a lot of bills (ugh) and sending out letters to my new pen pals (of whom I haven’t heard back from yet… insert sad face here).IMG_5046Tuesday: Day 38: Check out the displace case that my honey made while home this winter! He started it last winter and never finished it, but now it is complete and proudly displaying some of his tractors and my smokers!IMG_5049Wednesday: Day 39: I’d really love to say that I took this picture, but I didn’t. Jay was playing with my camera one day while I was gone and one of my smokers and managed to get a shot that I had tried for the night before but wasn’t able to get. Turned out pretty cool, huh?! Let’s just pretend like I took it though, haha!IMG_5056Thursday: Day 40: As if my future hubby wasn’t perfect enough… he made me some chocolate chip cookies before he left for a long weekend and boy were they YUMMY!IMG_5063Friday: Day 41: One of the ‘pages’ in the project that I made for Jay for Valentine’s Day. Another crafty project that turned out awesome. I love being crafty!IMG_5069Saturday: Day 42: Went bowling with my friend and her son on Saturday and we had a great time. I suck at bowling, but that is okay… it was still a lot of fun! Good thing for the bumpers too!IMG_5080

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Project 365: Week 5

Sunday: Day 29: Little man doing his nightly ‘mad minute’. Remember doing these in school, because I certainly do! I don’t know that we had to ever take them home and do them, but Ayden comes home with one every night and rocks it out.IMG_4920onday: Day 30: Me rocking my new hat and favorite camera t-shirt (and a comfy pair of pants). Rockin’ self portrait if I don’t say so myself, haha!IMG_4923Tuesday: Day 31: We’ve been big ice cream eaters at our house lately! Can’t get enough chocolate… it is just SO yummy!IMG_4926Wednesday: Day 32: There will NEVER be a day when I have had my fill of this face… NEVER! Love him to pieces more than anyone can imagine (and his current love affair with beyblades).IMG_4933Thursday: Day 33: Our cat has recently started sitting in our bathroom sink a lot and he tends to jump in every morning right before I need to brush my teeth and I need the sink. Silly kitty!IMG_4935Friday: Day 34: Green wall… need I say more?!IMG_4939Saturday: Day 35: We took a little trip to Waupaca on Saturday so I could photograph a place that I had seen online and this is one of the outcomes from that trip!IMG_4984

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe