Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Project 365: Week 12

Sunday: Day 78: An ‘almost’ hole in one! Or not, we were actually just at the golf range practicing our putting. Well, to be more precise, just Ayden and Jay were practicing their putting. I was taking pictures of their practicing!IMG_0454Monday: Day 79: Future MLB star?! Maybe!IMG_0465Tuesday: Day 80: Got my hair chopped and this was a before picture… it is A LOT shorter now and I love it!IMG_0490Wednesday: Day 81: This is the after shot… okay, the after of Ayden. He got his hair cut too and he look so much older! Someone please remind me why I wanted to cut all of his hair off?!IMG_0491Thursday: Day 82: Skyping on the iPod with Grandpa Mark! It is so awesome that there is technology out there that lets us do this!IMG_0494Friday: Day 83: Just what are YOU looking at?!IMG_0496Saturday: Day 84: I’ll never tire of this face… NEVER!IMG_0595

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Project 365: Week 11

Sunday: Day 71: Jump like you’ve never jumped before! Jump higher than you ever jumped before! JUMP JUMP JUMP!!!IMG_0225Monday: Day 72: Think I should limit Ayden’s iPod use?! He is on it ALL of the time! Okay, so maybe not ALL of the time. At least he is getting some good use out of it!IMG_0250Tuesday: Day 73: The plants are growing! The plants are growing! I cannot wait until my tulips bloom in the coming weeks. I love tulips (almost, almost as much as I love lilies, almost…)IMG_0258Wednesday: Day 74: I just loved the contrast of the red and blue in this picture. Simple enough, just liked it.IMG_0276Thursday: Day 75: Ayden and his cub scout Wolf Den and their leader and one of the pack meetings. Really going to miss this group of kiddos when we move!IMG_0351Friday: Day 76: On the 76th day of 2012, we were able to have our back door open (please ignore the need of a new paint job on it, we rent, haha) ALL day long! It was gorgeous outside and that is UNheard of at this time of the year!IMG_0356Saturday: Day 77: Just how many turtles can fit on one log?!IMG_0357

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Project 365: Week 10

Sunday: Day 64: Ayden and I spent the morning painting with water colors on Sunday. We had lots of fun, especially since I was so chill about it and we were doing it on his bedroom floor. Our creations were for his leprechaun trap!IMG_5901Monday: Day 65: Dress drawer handle. Looks pretty vintage, eh? Eh… not so much.IMG_0008Tuesday: Day 66: Let’s play peek a boo with the kitty cat! Oh, our lives would not be the same without Diesel, there I admit it. Love that crazy kooky cat!IMG_0067Wednesday: Day 67: Shh… I have a secret! Oh wait, I wish I had a secret! Maybe it’s just time to be quiet, hehe!IMG_0103Thursday: Day 68: Can’t wait for these bushes to start growing again. Can’t quite remember what is in them. But even better than that… can you see any snow in the background?! Me either, how fabulous!IMG_0109Friday: Day 69: A peak inside my closet, um… clothes much?!IMG_0117Saturday: Day 70: The sky was just too pretty for me not to take a picture of it on our drive ‘home’ Saturday night, I mean seriously, look at it!IMG_0154

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project 365: Week 9

Sunday: Day 57: Ayden rocked out this year at the Cub Scouts pine wood derby and took third place with the car that him and Jay (most Jay) worked on. I was sad that I was gone and couldn’t attend the races myself, but I know that it was a good father and son bonding day!IMG_5651Monday: Day 58: This may or may not be all (or some) of the data that I had to filter out for my capstone project in order to draw the conclusions from my study. I may or may not have it all in my computer now just waiting for me to draw said conclusions, haha!IMG_5654Tuesday: Day 59: My little man, ‘nuff said!IMG_5658Wednesday: Day 60: We got so much heavy snow today that the trees were bending over with the weight of it, it was crazy! Thankfully the majority of it has already melted!IMG_5664Thursday: Day 61: This is part of my motivation to keep working out… filling in the happy versus the sad faces for when I don’t work out. Of the last 20 days, I have worked out 16 and I think that that is pretty good so far! More happy faces than sad is always a good thing in my book!IMG_5667Friday: Day 62: MORE snow! I think we got more snow this past week than ALL winter, although I’m probably wrong!IMG_5669Saturday: Day 63: Last year at this time the hill at the end of the driveway was probably twice as high as it is now!IMG_5898

Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe