Sunday: Day 71: Jump like you’ve never jumped before! Jump higher than you ever jumped before! JUMP JUMP JUMP!!!Monday: Day 72: Think I should limit Ayden’s iPod use?! He is on it ALL of the time! Okay, so maybe not ALL of the time. At least he is getting some good use out of it!
Tuesday: Day 73: The plants are growing! The plants are growing! I cannot wait until my tulips bloom in the coming weeks. I love tulips (almost, almost as much as I love lilies, almost…)
Wednesday: Day 74: I just loved the contrast of the red and blue in this picture. Simple enough, just liked it.
Thursday: Day 75: Ayden and his cub scout Wolf Den and their leader and one of the pack meetings. Really going to miss this group of kiddos when we move!
Friday: Day 76: On the 76th day of 2012, we were able to have our back door open (please ignore the need of a new paint job on it, we rent, haha) ALL day long! It was gorgeous outside and that is UNheard of at this time of the year!
Saturday: Day 77: Just how many turtles can fit on one log?!
Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe
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