Sunday: Day 57: Ayden rocked out this year at the Cub Scouts pine wood derby and took third place with the car that him and Jay (most Jay) worked on. I was sad that I was gone and couldn’t attend the races myself, but I know that it was a good father and son bonding day!Monday: Day 58: This may or may not be all (or some) of the data that I had to filter out for my capstone project in order to draw the conclusions from my study. I may or may not have it all in my computer now just waiting for me to draw said conclusions, haha!
Tuesday: Day 59: My little man, ‘nuff said!
Wednesday: Day 60: We got so much heavy snow today that the trees were bending over with the weight of it, it was crazy! Thankfully the majority of it has already melted!
Thursday: Day 61: This is part of my motivation to keep working out… filling in the happy versus the sad faces for when I don’t work out. Of the last 20 days, I have worked out 16 and I think that that is pretty good so far! More happy faces than sad is always a good thing in my book!
Friday: Day 62: MORE snow! I think we got more snow this past week than ALL winter, although I’m probably wrong!
Saturday: Day 63: Last year at this time the hill at the end of the driveway was probably twice as high as it is now!
Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe
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