Friday, June 15, 2012

Project 365: Week 23

Sunday: Day 155: Ayden thought he was going to be sneaky and try to get away from me and not be in a picture, but little did he know that his momma is faster than he is with her camera!IMG_1541Monday: Day 156: This is what the sky looks like when you get up at 5:00am on a Monday morning, SO PRETTY! And SO tired!IMG_1543Tuesday: Day 157: The character of our house is the best thing, check out these ancient door knobs!IMG_1544Wednesday: Day 158: Thirsty?!IMG_1545Thursday: Day 159: My supervisor loves me so much at my clinic placement that she even got me my own business cards! How awesome!IMG_1546Friday: Day 160: Do you think I have enough pictures to hang on the walls? Actually, this isn’t even half of them!IMG_1845Saturday: Day 161: Garbage anyone? I thought this picture turned out kind of cool, do you?IMG_1650

Pictures taken by: Ashley Schwobe

Project 365: Week 22

Sunday: Day 148: Jay’s aunt had a birthday party for her little man, Quinn, and we all celebrated together! It was a fun and gorgeous day! Another perk of living so close, cherishing the small things!20120527_193123Monday: Day 149: The view out our living room window, bring on the football games this fall! We don’t even need to leave the comfort of our own home anymore!IMG_1513Tuesday: Day 151: We have a ‘Junk Drawer’ box! Original, huh?! Want to know what the contents of our junk drawer box usually consists of… hanging clips for the walls. Maybe we should label it that!IMG_1515Wednesday: Day 151: Relaxing and watching some TV on the couch all cuddled up on a cold morning.IMG_1516Thursday: Day 152: Had to get my May chalkboard picture in!IMG_1517Friday: Day 153: Had my bestie and her boyfriend over for a cook out one night and we had fun catching up!IMG_1522Saturday: Day 154: Our new friend… Mr. Toady!IMG_1539

Pictures taken by: Ashley Schwobe