Sunday: Day 113: I am a bit obsessed with the lights and mirror in our current bathroom. I like the old feel of it and will miss it when we move, but that is okay because I am super excited to move!Monday: Day 114: Our froggy window cling is bound to join us at our new house! This picture is more for my friend than anything because she has a crazy obsession with frogs, hehe!
Tuesday: Day 115: Ayden’s ear ache ended up leaving us with three different medications. Two allergy medications and an ear drop to help with the pain. We didn’t end up using the ear drop because Ayden wasn’t have any pain, but we have been using the allergy medication and it seems to be helping with his congestion.
Wednesday: Day 116: A little chilly in the house, eh? Oops!
Thursday: Day 117: Little man!!!
Friday: Day 118: I almost forgot to take the obligatory ‘monthly’ picture with my chalk board. Good thing I remembered before April was all the way over! I hope to do better for May!
Saturday: Day 119: Little man’s hospital picture. Oh how tiny and adorable he was! I could just eat him all up!
Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe
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