Sunday: Day 106: Check out the new welcome mat that Jay so graciously made for our new house. I love it! Had to try it out at the old place to see how it would fit and now I cannot wait to use it at the new place!Monday: Day 107: We are in full on packing mode at our house! Boxes boxes boxes EVERYWHERE! Our whole office has been taken down and boxed up already!
Tuesday: Day 108: Pretty kitty, eh?! I love this picture of our cat Diesel! Of course it is only one of many, but I just love the depth of it and his solemn looking face! I don’t think he was feeling very well this day though.
Wednesday: Day 109: Got some new kicks for running! Had to try them on to make sure they would work! Won’t be putting them back on my feet until it is time to start the Couch to 5K program in a few weeks!
Thursday: Day 110: A pretty statue that I was given for some reason or another (can’t really remember why), but just looking at it inspires me!
Friday: Day 111: Catching some drips coming off of the roof after some snow that we had gotten this past week. Love catching them in mid-air!
Saturday: Day 112: Got to hang out with one of my besties for a couple of hours today and her son! Ayden and Seth had a great time playing together! Love this girl to pieces and then some!
Photos taken by: Ashley Schwobe